Audio Services

21 May 2023

Rev Judith Perry's reflection begins at minute 16.52

guest musicians - Moira Findlay, Flute,  Steve Tugwell, guitar.

Click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

14 May 2023

Family Sunday and Sunday School Closing - Rev Judith Perry

Click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

7 May 2023

7 May 2023 - led by Knox Nursing Home Worship Team

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

30 April 2023

30 April 2023 - Rev Judith Perry

Guest musician - Kaitlin Wlcox

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

23 April 2023

23 April 2023 - Rev Judith Perry

click here to view the service on Faceook Watch

16 April 2023


Guest Musicians - Steve Tugwell and Moira Findlay

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

Easter Sunday

9 April 2023 - Easter Sunday - Rev Judith Perry

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

Good Friday

Good Friday 7 April 2023 - Cantata - Canticle of the Cross

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

Maundy Thursday Service with Holy Communion

6 April 2023 - Rev Judith Perry

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch  ( note - the first few minutes didn't get streamed )

26 March 2023

26 March 2023 - Rev Judith Perry

guest musicians - Moira Findlay - flute and Steve Tugwell - guitar

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch


2 April 2023


Guest Musicians Danielle Chute and Serena Godmaire

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch


19 March 2023

Rev Judith Perry's message begins at minute 34.33 

guest musicians - JMN through the Night - Michael, Nick and Jacob.

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

12 March 2023

12 March 2023 - Rev Bob Chapman

guest musician - Tony Trimper

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

19 February 2023

Guest Minister - Rev Judith Perry.

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

5 February 2023

A Service of Music and Song led by the Worship Committee and the Choir.

click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

29 January 2023

Rev Bob's reflection begins at minute 15.48

Click here to view the service on Facebook Watch

22 January 2023

Rev Penny's last service with us

Rev Penny's reflection begins at minute 31.40

click here to view the sevice on Facebook Watch