Our Pillars

Christian Education

Sunday School
Knox United Church holds Sunday School for children ages 3 – grade 9 during our 10:30 Church service.

After a short ‘Children’s Time’ at the beginning of the service, the children then gather upstairs to learn about the love of God and the life of Jesus.

Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care Team in conjunction with the minister provides a wide variety of support for the congregation. We respond to individuals in times of crisis, such as illness or bereavement. We keep in touch with members who are housebound or who live in seniors’ residences and can no longer come to church. Our minister and volunteer visitors want to make this church a caring community where each person is able to feel the love of God being shared with one another.

Missions and Services

Whenever you did it for any of my people, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did it for me.” Matthew 25:40

As people of God, we are called to work in the world around us. We provide time and money for God's work beyond our church walls. This work takes place in our city, country, and nations all around the world. We are called to seek justice and equality for others. Knox United Church has a strong ministry of outreach both locally and through the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church of Canada.


The music ministry and all it encompasses lies at the heart of worship and spirituality at Knox. Everyone participates by singing of hymns, both traditional and modern.

Our musical resources are diverse and inclusive, blending songs that make up our heritage with songs that will inspire future faith. We are blessed to have a number of wonderful instruments support the music ministry. Our grand piano accompanies hymns as well as the choir selections.

We also occasionally use guitar, keyboard and drums to liven our ministry of music.

Worshiping at Knox

Worshiping our God is an essential component of life at Knox. It is an opportunity for our whole community to gather to praise the living God, to pray, to be uplifted by the message as it pertains to our daily lives, and to be inspired as we seek to live out the exciting gospel invitation to love God and our neighbour. 

Adult Ministry

The best way to get involved and to meet other members of our church is to join one of the many groups and activities offered at Knox. There are groups that meet regularly such as prayer groups, bible study and choir. There are opportunities to help others with our outreach committee and pastoral care team.

Many of our ministry teams and committees are looking for new members but also those that they can call upon only periodically to help out with an event or fundraiser.

Special Services

At the table of the Lord we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion by sharing the bread and the wine as a remembrance of all that Christ has done for us in his life, death and resurrection.

All who seek the presence of Christ are welcome to share in this sacred meal. Our minister blesses the elements and the Elders serve the congregation in the pews during the traditional service.

Children Ministry

The family of Knox loves, values and celebrates children as part of God’s family. Children are welcome participants at the heart of our congregation and are encouraged to develop a personal relationship with God.

Youth Ministry

Many youth in our communities are looking for a safe space to talk, build friendships and learn about their faith. Knox is the place for you. 

A space where they are accepted for who they are and can talk about what ever they want. We have fun too! 

We Meet:
EVERY SECOND Sunday night from 7pm-8:30pm except Holidays.

Everyone from Grade 6-12 are welcome.