Audio Services

1 September 2019 Service

September 1st. 2019. full service

Guest Preacher Bill Hale....Bill message "God Will Clothe You with  All You Need" begins @ minute 34.57

25 August 2019 - service

25 August 2019

Guest Preacher - Bill Hale.....Bill's Message "Power of Prayer"  begins at minute  26.15 

18 August 2019 - full service

18 August 2019 - full service

Bill Hale. Guest Preacher   - Bill' s message begins at minute 29.09

Service 11 August 2019

Service. 11 August 2019

Guest Preacher Bill Hale -  Bill's message. "What Kind of Vessel Are You?"  begins at minute 32.34

Service 7 July 2019

Rev Bob Chapman - Guest Minister

Sermon - "Truth or Consequence: the Power of Love". begins @ minute 36.12

Sermon March 17th, 2019

A warm welcome to this gateway into the vibrant community of Knox United Church. Ours is a multi-generation congregation of families from many different backgrounds, seeking to live and grow as followers of Jesus Christ amidst the joys and challenges of 21st century life.