Knox United Church - Greening Service
The Wexford Carol - Michell Calder, Stacy Allan, Michael vander Gaag and John Lindsay-Botten
Minute For Mission - Carolyn Gallop and Beth Martin
Scripture - Isaiah 2: 1-5 - Pat Galbraith
Advent Candle lighting - Olive McIldoon and grandson Cameron
Garland and boughs - Dale and Gary Fleming
Scripture - Isaiah 53: 2-6 - Jean Collier
Holly and the Ivy - Pat Nursey
Poinsettia story - Rev Penny Nelson
Flor de la Nochebuena - John Lindsay-Botten
The Christmas Tree story - Florence Carmen
Scripture - Matthew 1: 18-21 - John Lindsay-Botten
Angels story - John Lindsay-Botten
Angels Among Us - Tony Mombourquette