Knox is a congregation of passionate, dedicated and faithful people who agree that our main mission areas are:
Worship, Pastoral Care, Music, Community Outreach (Food & Events). Our objective is to respect each other, to
be open to each other’s opinions, to realize the value in differing perspectives yet work together to realize a
collaborative and positive outcome securing Knox’s presence in the community for the next century.

We are currently looking for a Term Supply Minister for the following job position:

The role of the Term Supply Minister:
1. Provide spiritual growth, facilitate theological understanding and to ensure Christian Education are available to all within the congregation. We require a Term Supply Minister who will be responsible for
preaching for the majority of Sundays during the appointment. You will work with our Spiritual Oversight/Worship Team(s) to provide high-quality preaching that engages, inspires, and challenges
while reflecting both traditional and contemporary worship approaches including opportunities for intergenerational interaction.
2. Provide Pastoral Care in collaboration with the Pastoral Care Team to ensure that our congregational and community needs are met.
3. Support the reconnecting of the congregation’s members with each other. We need someone who can help our members rediscover the pleasure in being in the gathered community and working together
towards living our mission statement. This may partly revolve around the reclaiming of shared tasks, study groups, coffee hours, mid-week worship, etc. but with particular care to bring people together.
We cannot call a permanent minister until we are fully a community.

4. Support the engagement in discussions with other churches/community groups re: Knox Ministry programming. Our many initiatives, particularly through our food Ministry, rely on strong community
partnerships with other churches and community groups. We require a Minister who is open to collaboration with our larger community promoting the work being done at Knox.

5. Support the re-affirmation and renewal of our Affirming status. This congregation wants to live in harmony, working toward shared goals that satisfy both the members’ needs to be inclusive and to “be
the hands of Christ” together in affection and friendship. We need our affirmation to be more than a “checked box” and for it to become a living, loving and welcoming mission of the congregation.

6. Help the congregation understand, process and interpret information presented at Knox Council, Congregational meetings and other communications. Knox is working on several large-scale initiatives.
While this is a term position, during the next 4 – 6 months, several key decisions will need to be made by the congregation. The Term Supply Minister should have strong knowledge of UCC Manual and
experience in leading congregations through times of transition.

Knox currently has an immediate need for a full-time term supply minister effective February 6, 2023 for a term
of approximately 6 months.
A tentative breakdown for weekly hours would be:
14hrs Worship & Preparation
12hrs Pastoral Care & Community Outreach
- includes Freedom Kitchen; attendance at FK is required minimum 2X/month
14hrs Administration & Meetings
- Worship Committee meets the 1st Tuesday night of the month 7 – 9 pm
- Spiritual Oversight meets every 3rd Tuesday night of the month 7 – 9 pm
- Knox Council meets every 4th Tuesday night of the month 7 – 9 pm
40 hrs

Relationships of Accountability & Support:
1. The Term Supply Minister is accountable to Knox Council in regards to providing leadership towards the
agreed upon goals outlined above.
2. The Term Supply Minister is under the ongoing support and supervision of the Ministry & Personnel Committee and the Region 15 Pastoral Relations Minister.

Relationship to other Church Staff:
The Term Supply Minister will model collegial relationships with other church staff striving to create a culture of appreciation and accountability. The Term Supply Minister has responsibility for providing opportunities for staff to gather (virtually or in-person) as needed and is helpful to the tasks and vision of the shared ministry. The Term Supply Minister will not supervise other church staff in terms of ongoing performance, but will have the responsibility to assist in prioritizing and assigning work tasks as related to the ministry of Knox.

Term of Employment:
ASAP – August 30, 2023



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