© Copyright 2019 - Knox United Church, 567 Sackville Drive, Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
Come and join a time of fellowship with other men of the Knox faith family.
Breakfast will be at Futures Cafe, this Tuesday, January 14 at 9 am.
AT 10:45
Come and join a time of fellowship with other ladies from Knox.
Brunch will be at Futures Cafe,
this Tuesday, January 14 at 10:45 am.
If interested please sign the sheet in the Narthex.
Menu is scrambled eggs, muffins, toast, bacon, coffee or tea.
Building Futures at 61 Glendale Dr.
We are planning one of Knox's famous dinners with Chef Yves' assistance.
Take-out will be 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Dine-In will be 5 - 6 p.m.
$10/child (under 12)
Stay tuned for further details and sign-up sheets for donations will be posted by Sunday, Jan. 19, 2025
Proceeds will support our general funds.
2025 Envelopes will be available for pick up in the Narthex beginning this Sunday. Please note that some people have been assigned new envelope numbers so you should continue to use your 2024 envelopes until the end of the year then switch to your new envelopes.
Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR):
This is the easiest way to contribute to Knox!
Make us part of your monthly budget by signing up to have regular donations sent directly from your bank account. It's the same process as paying your bills every pay/month.
If you are interested in getting envelopes, or starting PAR don't hesitate to contact Pat Galbraith (pdgalbraith@gmail.com or 902-864-2728).
The new year is also a good time to consider any changes to your PAR. Perhaps you've considered making a regular donation to Freedom Kitchen or the Mission and Service Fund.
Scripture Readers
We are looking for people to read scripture throughout the year!
If you are interested in participating in our worship service, please see the sign-up sheet in the Narthex.
Our church staff and our volunteers work diligently to serve our church and our community throughout the week. We ask that you please respect that Sundays are days of worship for those individuals.
Our office hours are Mon - Fri 8:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Freedom Kitchen is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays and further information is available at freedomkitchensackville.ca
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
The Pastoral Care Team is looking for your help in advising when special milestones are happening in the lives of our faith family members.
Cards are sent to those individuals who are celebrating birthdays of 80, 85, 90 and every year after 90.
Anniversaries of 50, 60 and every five years after are also acknowledged.
If you know of someone who has been ill or could use a little bright spot in their day, get-well cards and thinking-of-you cards are also included as part of our program.
If you know of an upcoming milestone, please contact the church office.
The Knox Prayer Chain has been reactivated and prayer requests may be sent to prayers@knoxsackville.ca
Requests are passed on as received, to prayer chain members who will pray as requested for the individual, family, or situation.
Each prayer request is handled confidentially, and the name and email of the individual requesting the prayer is never shared.
Rev. Tom Woods joined Knox as our Minister, on Sunday, July 2, 2023. Rev. Woods brings more than 34 years experience as a United Church Minister and is innovative, enthusiastic and action-oriented. Tom is looking forward to working at Knox and getting to know our congregation.
Come worship with us and enjoy a time of fellowship after the service and get to know Rev. Woods
Home Visits From Pastoral Care Team or Minister
Pastoral Care is a form of emotional, social, and spiritual support. From offering a listening ear, a comforting hand, to praying together, our Pastoral Care Team share God's love in action, word and deed.
If you would like to have a visit, or know someone else who might like a visit, please call the church office to make a request and it will be passed on to the team.
Live Streaming/YOLO
There is a sign-up sheet posted in the Narthex for live-streaming help on Sunday mornings. If you have already been trained and are willing to run the camera/YOLO, PowerPoint slides, or audio on a given Sunday, please sign up!
We are hoping to establish a rotating schedule so that you would only need to "work" one worship service every six weeks(ish).
If you haven't been trained and are interested in learning how to do any of these things, please contact the Church Office.
Training will be provided!
It is actually far easier than you might think! If you are interested please contact the office.
eam is expected within 3 - 6 months.
The Bible Fellowship Time group meets Wednesdays from 6:30 - 8 pm in the parlour.
Everyone is welcome! This is a lay-lead Bible fellowship time.
For more information please contact Donna Ashton-Ward or Judy Hayes.
Outreach is collecting empty pharmacy plastic pill bottles (Please remove labels). These are being collected by the 1st Sackville Cub Scouts to send with medical supplies to low income countries where they will be used many times. A tote basket will be in the narthex for donations (next to Beacon House box).
Thanks to all who can support!
Prayer Shawls Needed
The Pastoral Care Team gives prayer shawls to bring warmth, comfort, love, and hope to those who are ill, grieving. or facing a difficult situation. If you love to knit or crochet, you can use your talent to help us with this special ministry. As you make your shawl simply pray that the person receiving it will find peace. Shawls will be received with thanks at the church during office hours.
For more information please contact the church office 902 865 9216.
Fader's Bottle Exchange:
Help support Knox by taking your recyclable cans and bottles to Fader's Bottle Exchange on Old Sackville Crossroad. Simply tell the employees that they are for Knox and they will apply your bottles to our account!
Lower Sackville Nursery School
Did you know that LSNS has now expanded to a full-time daycare?
Spaces are still available and we look forward to meeting your family and taking care of your little ones.
Our daycare is a safe and inclusive place offering a dedicated, loving and educational environment.
Click here to register your littles
Knox needs your continued support during these challenging times. There are several ways that you can continue to contribute to Knox's work:
Send funds to: donations@knoxsackville.ca
Click HERE to make an online contribution and receive a tax receipt immediately.
Pre-authorized Remittance (PAR):
Sign up to have regular donations sent directly from your bank account. It's the same process as paying your bills every pay/month.
To join PAR, contact the church ffice
Did you know that you can listen to services online:
Visit http://www.knoxsackville.ca/Audio services. ( the most recent service is usually also on the sliders on the home page)
Minister:Rev. Tom Woods 902.865.2617 minister@knoxsackville.ca
Minister of Music & Dramatic Arts:
John Lindsay-Botten 902.448.4574 music@knoxsackville.ca
Sunday School: Lynn Stewart
Office Administrator: Mary-Beth Fancy admin@knoxsackville.ca
Office: 902.865.9216
Office Hours:
Mon - Fri 9 am – 1 pm